Fixed-price on prepress services made ready for printing
Our special know-how is strongly on magazines. Magazines, brochyres, posters and so on -from scratch to print ready. All prints are personalized, looking like their customer. We implement the wildest ideas and if necessary, we will design a brand new one. We use the latest Adobe applications. Customer data is backed up to our secure servers and it is available to you at any time.Ordering is easy. Email your material to us and you will receive a pdf image for review in your return mail. We also have separate servers suitable for InCopy use.

Risk-free emergency and holiday help for prepress at fixed price.
I work with new programs, devices and secured servers. Once the work is completed, you will receive the complete material package back to your own archives. Trust on both sides is key. The work takes place at my own workstation, with familiar devices and servers, with complete peace of mind. In this way, your own load remains under control also.

Logo designs
Design and vectorization of logos for different applications. Our logos are always supplied in all required formats, native file (for possible editing), as well as eps, tiff, pdf, gif, svg, etc. A complete version is available in the package.

Image processing
Processing, editing and finishing touch for every purposes. All image files will get basic processing, (color space change, resolution adjustment, distractor removal). In addition, it is possible to do a number of other tricks to get the idea and information of the image properly exposed.

Info Graphics
Designing Exel-infographics and maps for spesific layouts.

We create hand-drawn illustrations with Illustrator, Fresco and Procreate.