Material instructions

More detailed material instructions for your material by calling: 050 596 8881. The pre-printed material is always in pdf-format and includes cutting marks and cutting resources.

Vector graphics must be save in .pdf, .eps or Illustrator native form (.ai.) to be sharp in print.
Vector graphics must be save in .pdf, .eps or Illustrator native form (.ai.) to be sharp in print.

Printed materials:


Define PMS (spot colors so called can colours ) or CMYK colors ( four-color set) according to printing plan. Note, that InDesign effects are always on CMYK color scheme.

Pictures and graphics

Image reolution for tone images is 300dpi, for linear images it is 600 dpi 1:1 scale.

Advisable data formats are .tif, psd and .jpg.The colour profiles can be used by Euroscale Coated or Coated Fogra profiles from the CMYK colour world.

Vector graphics must be save in .pdf, .eps or Illustrator native form (.ai.).  Check that white color isn’t never on the overprint. The safest way to send vector graphics is zipped.

Always ensure the right to use images.


Use of fonts is Open Type or PostScript Type 1 fonts. TrueType fonts must be converted into paths (outline) already in layout file. Because many of these doesn’t work in some ripping in printing.

Content conveyor

Within layout files attach fonts and linked photos and graphics files.

Save files always with file extension (e.g. image.tiff or layout.indd) this way you can immediately see what kind of file it is. Use content conveyor at InDesign.


Proofread text very carefully. Do not use manual hyphenation, let software do the hyphenation. Send all texts as text files or email. Mark boldings, cursives and possible colors, and separate headlines and subheads with e.g. different font sizes or different styles.

Graphics instructions

If there is a graphic instructions, it should be attached with material. These usually contain color and font data.

Standard sizes for paper

A-serieswidth x height
A0841 x 1189 mm
A1594 x 841 mm
A2420 x 594 mm
A3297 x 420 mm
A4210 x 297 mm
A5148 x 210 mm
A6105 x 148 mm
A774 x 105 mm
A852 x 74 mm
A937 x 52 mm
A1026 x 37 mm
B-serieswidth x height
B01000 x 1414 mm
B1707 x 1000 mm
B2500 x 707 mm
B3353 x 500 mm
B4250 x 353 mm
B5176 x 250 mm
B6125 x 176 mm
B788 x 125 mm
B862 x 88 mm
B944 x 62 mm
B1031 x 44 mm

Note bleed information, +3mm to each page edge, if pictures or color go all the way to the edge of the paper. They are first made in the layout itself for those elements, but are also defined in the file during the pdf printing phase.

Vector graphics must be save in .svg to be sharp online.
Vector graphics must be save in .svg to be sharp online. In order to download svg format material to websites, you may have to download a separate plug-in.

Online materials


Defined in rib or html colours

Photos and graphics

Photos in .jpg format, with the highest possible resolution. The desktop publisher adjusts the image sizes to fit the content.

Vector graphics are saved in .svg format, or the original native file is provided .ai.

Always try to look for at least a vector graphic version of the logo. The safest delivery method for vector graphics is zipped.

Always ensure the right to use images.


For online fonts, you should choose fonts found in the google fonts collection, for example


Proofread text very carefully. Do not use manual hyphenation, let software do the hyphenation. Send all texts as text files or email. Mark the bolds, cursives and possible colors, and separate headlines and subheads with e.g. different font sizes or different styles.

Graphic instructions

If there is a graphic instructions, it should be attached with material. These usually contain color and font data.

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