Sivupainajainen Kirsi Pääskyvuori, Y-tunnus 3021132-7
Rajalantie 48, 55100 Imatra. Lacation on googlemap is on Lappeenranta. Mailaddress and hometown is Imatra.
I do cover my email-address, so you can see it on visual mode. Contact form down below is for mailin without typing the address. I try to answer on phone calls on direct, or I will call back as soon as. Wellcome to the world of Nightmares.
You can send mail direct with this form – we do answer as soon as.
Kirsi Pääskyvuori
Rajalantie 48, 55100 Imatra
More light material from Sivupainajainen (office events, projects, special nightmares and some other representative tasks) can follow on my Social account in Instagram.